Stained with: gold chloride
Number of Sections: 1
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Low resolution image (uanble to scan with slide scanner)

Rufffini's own preparation of Ruffini endings, presented to Charles Sherrington.

Photomicrograph of one of the 11 slides sent by Ruffini from the University of Bologna to Sherrington in Oxford in 1898. The hand-written label reads: “Organi nervosi nel connettivo del polpa anelli delle dita uomo.” (“Nerve ending in the connective tissue from the human finger.”) Ruffini dedicated this slide to Sherrington: “Per Prof C.S. Sherrington, per amicizia e ricordo.” Ruffini identified the sensory ending by self-testing and by excising these receptors from his own skin. High-power image from the slide shown in with silver-impregnated sensory organ, now called the Ruffini ending. Also see Fig. 4 from Molnar and Brown, 2010.


Sherrington; Organi nervosi nil connettivo dei polpa strelli delle dita. uomo. A Ruffini; Cloruro d'Oro. - Al Prof. C. S. Sherrington per amicizia e ricordo.